Thursday, March 21, 2013

How To Stop A Dog Fight Quickly ?

How to stop a Dog fight
Aggression is one of the most serious and prevalent behaviours in dogs. It also a common reason why pet owners request professional help from veterinarians, behaviourists and trainers. Like many social species, dogs often resort aggression to keep order within a pack, over food, because of fear, bad upbringing and to be honest all manner of other things. So if it kicks off K9 style a responsible dog owner really needs to know what to do and how to stop a dog fight. Dog fights are sometimes intense and frightening, but In spite of the risks that surround intervention, it may be necessary to step in especially when your pet is involved.

As social creatures, dogs look at their world through their immediate environment. When a dog turns aggressive, it has little to do with its specific breed. The environment and people play the greater role in a dog's aggressive nature and especially how it is treated and raised. Denying your dog adequate social interaction by keeping it indoors for days can highly contribute to an aggressive nature. Secondly it a good idea to choose appropriate games to play, do not encourage games that support biting like tug-of-war, such games actually encourage aggression. Mistreated dogs also tend to become timid and aggressive. When a dog is mistreated by its owner it may mistake everyone else to be like that and adopt a violent or aggressive outlook.

Another area of consideration is their food, because just like humans a bad diet can affect dog's moods. Food like chocolate, sugar, Tea or grapes should never be given to dogs. As creatures of habit dogs need proper love, training and guidance to prevent aggressive behaviours developing.

Prevention of a dog fight.
It pays more to understand tell tell signs of an imminent dog fight and prevent it because as the saying goes prevention is better than cure. Being territorial in nature, dogs tend to suspect and fend off any intruders. You ought to therefore be alert when strange dogs meet. If dogs meet by keeping their heads close this can often spell trouble, stiff and rigid dog basically shows that it is anxious, agitated and ready for combat. If they meet by sniffing each other's sphincter that's a good sign. Keep food out of the way when introducing new dogs. Dogs generally don't like sharing snacks with strange dogs. A stiff and rigid dog basically shows that it is anxious, agitated and ready for combat.

Stopping a dog fight.
Breaking up a fight between multiple dogs can be a very stressful experience. You need to intervene in such a way that none of warring parties get hurt. First muster enough courage as you intervene. Remain composed and level headed to avoid mistakes. Never ever feel fearful because the dogs will sense this and it's more than likely to make the situation worse. Be confident and show them that you are leader of the pack and this is unacceptable behaviour. You can also look around for a harmless object and throw at them. A blanket or pillow would serve the best if at home; Also spray them using water. 
This is a highly effective trick since most dogs do like the shock of water in their faces especially under pressure. Water will shock, distract and often enough scare them apart... If the fight is on your walk then you have to use different techniques.

The best way to stop a dog fight fast.
The actual best and most effective way to stop a dog fight is to insert a foreign body or even your own fingers into the most aggressive dogs' anus. I understand this may sound disgusting but it really works quickly. And if your best friend is getting brutally attacked or a dangerous dog has locked their jaws on to your dog's leg you need to act fast. I shall explain here how you can do this unpleasant but critical task as effectively and as quickly as possible. Grab the attacking dogs tail and lift it forcefully enough to reveal the anus; DO NOT go to ground level, you must be on your feet at all times with your back facing the rear of the dog. Insert a foreign body, fingers, keys or anything you may have to hand into the dogs anus whilst holding the tail until the dog stops fighting or releases jaws which is usually very quickly if not immediately. And that's it. You can be confident you have a technique that will stop a dog fight as quickly as possible.

Also avoid screaming or yelling as they might not take note or it may raise aggression further if the fight has already started. If you use voice commands to try and stop a fight repeatedly use the word NO or any other prohibitive term best understood by your dog.

Word of Caution
Avoid jumping in between fighting dogs to break up a fight and never get your open hands near their mouths because you could easily lose your fingers.
Immediately after separation keep dogs apart with as much distance as possible; because to close and it's all off again.

Act like nothing's happened after the dogs have been separated as any attention may give the wrong signal to your dog and they may think you are encouraging the situation or worse remain ever fearfull.
Once you dogs calm you can relax them further with stroking and check for any injuries.
If you need any free advise about dog behaviour or a dog walking service in Lymington 

feel free to contact me at my website
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