Sunday, December 16, 2012

Importance of Motivation andvior in Dog Training Behaviour

There are many people who love to have dogs as pets in their home. They keep these pets just for fun. But you should remember that it does not happen in the same way all the time. Some people prefer dogs for security purposes. They train their pet especially for bad situations. However, you should remember that dog training is a great task. Training a pet is always a difficult and time-consuming task. You have to communicate your pet with great patience, courage and motivation. Otherwise, you cannot achieve desired results easily.
Dog's training always requires some motivation. Small pets, especially dogs and cats, behave just like human kids. They love rewards, food and toys same like our babies do love. So, while treating a pet, always behave it like a kid. For example, if you are introducing some manners to your dog and it learns them well, you can simply give some delicious food as a reward. On the other hand, if your dog starts learning behaviors, you can introduce some interesting toys to motivate it further. These toys not only motivate your dog to do better performance but also give strength to its muscles and body.
Here I am describing some examples to train your dog. For example, if your dog is interested in ball, you can ask it to sit. If it sits properly according to your desire, then you can throw ball toward it as a reward. This is a motivational game with the help of toys with your pet.
You can also motivate your pet with the help of different saying like good, nice and you can tap its back as well. Dogs are wise enough to understand all these clues. You should always encourage them so that they can improve further. You should ask your dog to be obedient. However, it is remember to note here that in the beginning, obedience requests must be short otherwise your dog will loose its interest in further training. Remember, your behavior plays a vital role to speed up the learning of your dog.
The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Flower Delivery USA [] and Dog Training Aids.
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