Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Treat Dog Constipation Naturally

Owners shouldn't be that surprised whenever their dog has an occasional bout of constipation. It usually isn't much cause for concern as long as the condition doesn't last too long. Here are a few ways to treat dog constipation naturally.

Giving your dog pureed pumpkin will work wonders when it comes to relieving his constipation. Not only does pumpkin contain fiber, but it also offers plenty of water content. It's important that you don't give your dog pumpkin puree that has spices added to it. Also, don't overdo your doses. A couple of teaspoons should be enough at one feeding.

Apple cider vinegar is another way to treat dog constipation naturally. It is best to use the organic variety. One to two teaspoons of this is enough. Not only does organic apple cider vinegar work well for constipation in dogs, but it also works well for other digestive problems.

You can use a variety of oils if you find your dog to be constipated. Two of the most effective include mineral and olive oil. The lubrication they provide will hopefully help get rid of the problem. You don't want to overdo it with either type though. Some owners prefer to give coconut or even almond oil to their canines.
Now that you know a few ways to treat dog constipation naturally, you need to learn how to prevent the condition in the first place. This is especially important if your dog is having problems more than normal.

Dogs need exercise for a wide range of reasons. One of these is that it helps keep their digestive system working properly. Make sure that you provide your dog with adequate exercise on a daily basis.

Dogs should always have access to fresh drinking water. It's especially important during the summer months when dehydration can quickly set in. You also need to pay attention to your canine's water supply during the winter since it can become frozen after being outside for a while.

Hopefully, you realize the importance of feeding your dog a healthy diet. A good way to prevent dog constipation is to add a bit more dietary fiber to your dog's food. You can find fiber in a range of foods like leafy vegetables or the aforementioned canned pumpkin.

Finally, you will need to groom your dog properly in order to prevent frequent bouts of constipation in dogs. If your dog frequently licks himself, he may swallow a lot of hair, leading to problems. You can keep this from happening by brushing your dog regularly. This is critical if your dog is a longer-haired breed.

Fortunately, constipation is typically a minor issue. However, there are many other problems that your dog may possibly have to deal with like dog distemper. Stop by today to learn about a wide range of dog health problems and also to read useful articles about dogs.
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