Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why Choosing Labradors ?

Labrador dogs are the most popular breed of dogs owned by the people especially in the United States. They are affectionate, loyal, loving and patient and they make the perfect pet. They love children and also very intelligent and willing to love and please people, they become the part of your family easily. Since their coat is waterproof they love to play in the water.

Temperament of the dog is the one of the most important things that everyone thinks about before they adopt a dog, Labradors have a reliable temperament and are very friendly to everyone, sometimes they even get over-friendly. They love to be in the human companionship and crave for the company when they are left alone. Here are a few reasons why people picture Labradors as a perfect companion for themselves:

1. Labs are highly friendly and loving, that means they always aim to please, and are easy to train. They are quick learners and respond well to the guidelines. They do their best if you instruct them well, but can create little trouble when you leave them to act on their own.

2. They socialize easily, and are very friendly with the children. They adapt quickly to the new family and almost any situation you put them into. Labradors are quite, gentle and steady dogs.

3. Labradors do not need a lot of grooming, but they do shed a little bit seasonally. Occasional baths, a biweekly coat brushing and nail trimming they don't need anything else.

4. They are always full of energy and don't get tired easily, they proves to be a great adventure companion on your camping trips or any outdoor activity.

5. Since they are perfect social pet they love be with you always, they would sit beside you or in your lap, most of them have the lap dog syndrome, although it can be a problem they grow up because they are not aware of that fact when they sit in your lap. They will try to sit as close to you as possible.

6. They take both work time and play time equally serious, it gets difficult to differentiate between these two sometimes. Almost all the Labradors are born with the "die hard must retrieve things all the time" syndrome.

7. Some consider them as a large, strong and aggressive dog, but despite of their size they are very friendly dogs that switches gears and adapt to any situation easily and quickly. They need just a few minutes in the home at start and then allows toddlers to poke their nose, tug on their ears, and play with their tails.

Considering all these facts who wouldn't like to have them in their home. And that's exactly why it is one of the most popular dogs that is adopted by most of the dog owners. The proves to be a perfect pet, if you are looking for a dog with oodles of energy, sense of adventure, a need to please everyone, undying loyalty and a great love for outdoor activity, you will not find any other dog as perfect as the Labradors. Check out the local shelter in your area... May be your next best friend is waiting for you there.

Gerrard Floyd is a pet expert who has been writing on the benefits, challenges, and methodology of pet ownership for over five years. His areas of expertise include canine, feline, and reptile care as well as animal psychology. If you are interested in more information on Labradors: Practically The Perfect Pet For You, please visit http://www.worldpetstore.com, a supplier of high quality pet food, grooming supplies, and toys.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerrard_Floyd