Friday, December 7, 2012

Dog Training Tips - The Basics

By Danny Loiseau
How To Raise A Well Behaved Dog
If your goal is to have a family pet that will go from cute puppy to well behaved adult dog, then you have to employ proper training techniques. Dogs are a lot like children in that they need rules to abide by, whilst also learning to respect authority. It's easy to dote on those little bundles of puppy fur, only to be crushed when you find them chewing up the furniture and using the living space as their own personal toilet. All puppies have an innate knack for seeking out trouble, but if you take the time to train your little one, then those accidents will be few and far between. What follows are some dog training basics that will help you raise a well behaved dog, which will in turn lead to a great relationship.
Setting the Rules
The first step in any dog training regiment is the establishment of household rules, all of which should be laid out from day 1. For example, if you don't fancy the idea of your Golden Retriever sleeping on your bed, don't allow him to do it when he is a puppy, no matter how cute the idea seems. Make no exceptions to the rule and don't allow it to happen even a single time. The training process should start early, and when it does, make sure that every member of the household is aware of the rules and make sure that they adhere to them.
Staying Consistent
Its one thing to set the ground rules, but quite another to enforce them. This requires consistency in enforcement, with a reprimand and proper behavior shown every time your puppy steps out of line. That consistency has to apply to everything the puppy does, whether it is chewing on furniture, going potty indoors, or jumping up on people when they enter the home. It's not uncommon to become frustrated during the process, but you have to remember that puppies will make mistakes, but if you are always ready with a sharp "NO!" and a lesson on how to do things properly, your little bundle of fur will soon get it right. Stay consistent, stay patient, and you will see positive results.
Rewarding Good Behavior
Good behavior should always be recognized and rewarded, so be sure to do just that when your puppy does something right. Positive reinforcement is a far more effective training method than doling out punishment, with simple dog treats often enough when you first start out. Once he starts getting things right on a regular basis, you can then switch from treats to vocal praise and loving attention, although the occasional dog biscuit is still nice too. Using this sort of positive reinforcement will absolutely make the training go more quickly and will actually help in the bonding process too.
People often make the mistake of thinking of dog training as a long, laborious process, but it's actually pretty straightforward if you follow the tips mentioned above. Sure it will take a little bit of time and effort at the start, but the rewards are well worth the work you put in with your puppy.
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